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If you are using any of my kits in your tutorials please email me your blinkie and link so we can add you here.

scrappingbits AT
Thank you
Thursday, 1 February 2018

Bits N Bobs Blog train

Choo choo.
All aboard, the BNB train is now leaving the station.
Everyone is on different time zones so if you come across
 someone who isn't yet ready please pop back later :)
My part is full size and available from 
Please leave a thank you in the comments here if you
snag the freebie please.

Don't forget to visit the rest of the stations :)


digitalscrapperbecky said...

Thank you

Chloé said...

Thank you so much for this very cute mini-kit ! Love the swirl !

jpvicki said...

So appreciate your work, thanks a bunch!! So cute!

Jerrie said...

Thank You so very much!

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